Career Days

EuCheMS-Career Days
August 30 – 31, 2010 

on the occasion of the

3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
Chemistry – the Creative Force
August 29 – September 2, 2010, Nürnberg / Germany

We extend to you our warm invitation to the 3rd EuCheMS Congress and Career Days events!

The Career Days are organised by the Career Service of the GDCh and the European Young Chemists Network (EYCN). They are open to all registered participants in the EuCheMS Congress.

The Career Days begin Monday afternoon with an event about Research Grants. Several funding organisations will present their programms to support young scientists. Germans who wish to study or doing research abroad as well as foreigners who are interested in studying or doing research in Germany are welcome. In Science meets Business representatives of global enterprises offer a closer look at their current activity fields.

On Tuesday, 31 August, potential employers and employees will have a chance to meet at the JobFair. Big name companies will be at hand to answer questions about getting started and pursuing a career. Representatives of firms will give brief presentations of their companies and the career prospects they have to offer. Young scientists can also find out about the scholarships various organisations offer. Current job offerings at various companies and research institutes will be posted on bulletin boards.

In the CV check participants can have their English analysed by English native speakers and recruitment experts, who will give tips on where the weak points lie and how the CV can be improved. More information

Scientists who want to take part in the “Career Networking” process, sign up in advance of the congress. Participants can post job-available notices for their companies or universities in the database, which is open to all registered Congress delegates. They can also search for students, doctoral candidates or post-docs who have entered their CVs in the database, contact them and set up an appointment with them during the Congress. Students, doctoral candidates or post-docs can post their profile and CV on the database so that interested employers can easily find them and get in touch. The database can also be used to search for companies and job offers.

Start your business: How do I found my own company? Speakers at a number of presentations on Tuesday afternoon report on their own experience and offer valuable tips about founding one’s own business or company.

Further information

Companies participating in the JobFair

  • sanofi aventis Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt/D
  • Evonik Industries AG, Essen/D
  • Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim/D
  • Eurofins, Hamburg/D
  • BASF SE, Ludwigshafen/DBayer AG, Leverkusen/D
  • Merck KGaA, Darmstadt/DAltana AG, Wesel/DContact Singapore/SG
  • Federal Environment Agency, Berlin/DDeutsche
  • Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn/DDeutscher Akademischer
  • Auslandsdienst, Bonn/D
  • Royal Society of Chemistry, London/UKMedia Partner:
  • academics GmbH, Hamburg/D