EuCheMS / GDCh

The Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) is the hosting society for the third EuCheMS Chemistry Congress in Nürnberg 2010. GDCh is a member of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). EuCheMS is a non-profit-making organisation having 50 member societies which in total represent some 150,000 individual chemists in academia, industry and government in over 35 countries across Europe. Its object is to promote co-operation in Europe between those non-profit-making scientific and technical societies in the field of chemistry whose membership consists largely of individual qualified chemical and molecular scientists and whose interests include the science and/or practice of chemistry. EuCheMS is a partner in AllChemE (Alliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe) and is an Associated Organisation of IUPAC.

EuCheMS promotes educational, professional and ethical matters, including the designation European Chemist(EurChem) through its standing committee ProChemE.

GDCh’s Executive Director Prof. W. Koch is a member of the EuCheMS Executive Committee.

EuCheMS is publishing a Newsletter which is produced and coordinated by the GDCh. The EuCheMS secretariat is run by the Royal Society of Chemistry in London. The current EuCheMS President is Professor Luis Oro, Instituto Universitario de Catálisis Homogénea
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, I.C.M.A.- Faculty of Science. University of Zaragoza-CSIC (Spain). More information on GDCh and EuCheMS at or respectively.