
Dear Colleague,

Personally and on behalf of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS), the European umbrella organization for chemistry which includes some 50 chemical societies and professional organizations from 35 countries and represents more than 150.000 individual chemical scientists, I invite you to participate in the 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, to be held in Nürnberg (Germany) from August 29 to September 2, 2010.

Like the previous successful congresses in Budapest (2006) and Torino (2008) this event will be THE European showcase for chemical and molecular sciences by bringing together scientists from industry, academia and government institutions across Europe and from around the world.

The Congress will present the latest research in the core topic areas of chemistry, feature multidisciplinary programming, and highlight chemistry‘s impact on society. The focus will be on the big global challenges and the important contributions that the chemical sciences provide for addressing these challenges. The scientific programme features seven main congress topics, each hosting several symposia and will include plenary, keynote, and invited lectures as well as contributed oral communications and poster sessions.

The Congress is organised by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society) which also provides the local support. The Scientific Committee is headed by the eminent scientist François Diederich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, and co-chaired by Andreas Hirsch, University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Young scientists, in particular graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, are very much encouraged to participate and to use this unique possibility for networking and creating new contacts and cooperations.

The 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress is the chemistry highlight in Europe in 2010 and I encourage you all to be part of this unique event!

I look forward to welcoming you in Nürnberg for this exciting Congress.

See you in Nürnberg!

Luis Oro
EuCheMS President

Dear colleagues,

It is our distinct privilege and pleasure to cordially invite you to attend the 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress which will be held in Nürnberg, Germany, from August 29 to September 2, 2010, organized by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) on behalf of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). After Budapest (2006) and Torino (2008), these biannual conferences are now well established as Europe’s largest and most outstanding showcase for chemistry. With the motto “Chemistry – The Creative Force” we emphasize the central role of basic and applied chemical research and its high impact on exciting future innovations and technologies, serving economic growth in a healthy global society.

Seven main themes, each hosting three or four symposia, are at the center of the congress; they include “innovative materials”, “resources and environment”, “supramolecular systems”, “catalysis”, “molecular life sciences”, “analysis, manipulation, and simulation”, and “advances in organic and inorganic chemistry”. These themes will be broadly introduced by seven plenary speakers and discussed in great detail in the various symposia which feature invited lectures, oral communications, and poster sessions. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to learn about trends and perspectives of future chemical sciences. The congress is accompanied by an exhibition, at which companies, research institutions, and scientific organizations present their activities – simply networking at its best.

The congress venue, Congress Center Nürnberg, is only a few minutes by underground away from the city center and the international airport and offers state-of-the-art facilities for speakers, poster presenters, and attendants alike.

Nürnberg lies at the heart of Europe and, with its 500 000 inhabitants, is the economic and cultural center of Northern Bavaria, one of Europe’s fastest growing trade fair locations and part of one of the leading high-tech regions in Europe. The city with its medieval flair simply is a joy to visit.

We are delighted to send a warm welcome to all of you and look forward to seeing you in Nürnberg 2010.

François Diederich, Chair of the Scientific Committee
Andreas Hirsch, Co-chair of the Scientific Committee